How to help your P4 & P5 child understand the Assumption method for Primary Math

If your child’s in P4 this year, or you have a child in P5, you might find them struggling with the Assumption method in Math as it is the first heuristic skill they are exposed to. As such, we believe it is important for you to understand how this method works so that you can guide your child.

If you’re a par­ent to a P5 stu­dent, you may be famil­iar with the Assump­tion method used to solve prob­lem sums for Pri­ma­ry Math as your child would have encoun­tered it for the first time in P4. If you’re a par­ent to a P4 stu­dent, this will be some­thing new your child will encounter this year.

From our expe­ri­ence, we have noticed that most P4 stu­dents strug­gle to under­stand the method, while P5 stu­dents may be able to apply the method. How­ev­er, more often than not, the P5 stu­dents have com­mit­ted it to mem­o­ry rather than under­stand­ing the con­cept. This is because the Assump­tion method is typ­i­cal­ly the first heuris­tic skill that a Pri­ma­ry stu­dent will be exposed to, mak­ing the tran­si­tion from sim­ple arith­metic sums to more com­plex prob­lem sums a chal­leng­ing one.

For­tu­nate­ly, this tran­si­tion does not have to be a dif­fi­cult one which stu­dents find daunt­ing. At Think Teach Acad­e­my, we believe in part­ner­ships with par­ents and work close­ly with our par­ents to give our stu­dents the best pos­si­ble chance to suc­ceed. Over the years, we have pro­vid­ed our par­ents with Math teach­ing resources and guides so that they can help their chil­dren at home with their revi­sion. Here is what a par­ent has to say about the resource:

In this arti­cle, we would like to help all par­ents to under­stand the Assump­tion method indepth­ly so that you can help your child, whether P4, P5 or even P6, to under­stand how to apply the method rather than sim­ply mem­o­ris­ing it. While mem­o­ris­ing the method will gain your child the marks at P5 lev­el, this will no longer be effec­tive in P6 as Assump­tion ques­tions in PSLE tend to vary in dif­fi­cul­ties and forms. Thus a stu­dent would need to mas­ter the skill well in order to con­quer all Assump­tion ques­tion types.

Here is a short video along with its PDF doc­u­ment to explain first­ly, how to iden­ti­fy basic Assump­tion ques­tion types and sec­ond­ly, how to apply the ADD tech­nique to solv­ing it. In our worked exam­ple, we have pro­vid­ed a sim­pli­fied ver­sion of an Assump­tion ques­tion so that you and your child can bet­ter under­stand the tech­nique. Enjoy!

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